The role of BUMDesa in improving the community's economy West Sumbawa Regency


  • Sumarlin
  • Niniek Wahyuni Idias Universitas Cordova


BUMDes, Community Economy


This study examines the influence of the presence of BUMDesa in improving the economy of the people of the West Sumbawa Regency. this locus of research was conducted in Tongo Village, West Sumbawa Regency. The analysis used is a quantitative analysis using the T-Test analysis method, F Test analysis, and R2 Test, with SPSS.6.0 tools. T-Test analysis results show that the three variables tested (processing of village potential, labor, and costs) are only variable costs that have a significant effect on improving the community's economy. The results of the F test analysis show that the presence of BUMDesa has a significant effect on community economic improvement with a level of influence (R2) of 8.7%, and the rest is influenced by other factors not included in this study.


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How to Cite

Sumarlin, & Niniek Wahyuni Idias. (2020). The role of BUMDesa in improving the community’s economy West Sumbawa Regency. JURNAL MODAL SOSIAL DAN EKONOMI (MODALI), 3(1), 37–46. Retrieved from